сряда, 24 февруари 2016 г.

Global Monetarism - Monetary Matrices

MONETARY MATRICES - Global Monetarism

Introduction to Monetarism

Ruling by force, over those similar to one self, is not a human achievement. Neither is the accumulation of reserves (stock).
The primary reason for the accumulation of reserves is established by the natural ambient itself. In the regions where there is no yield in certain seasons, the living beings are forced to stock. Following their survival instinct they do so in order to exist within the reality.
The law of the jungle (the survival of the strongest) could be considered the primary reason for the existence of the rule. However, only by force the rule cannot arrive at a large scale. Among humans the rule is ever more large-scale (more global), but at the same time becomes ever more mental than forced. What determines the rule over the human beings are the mental matrixes.
This phenomenon is not a demonstration of the survival instinct or of the law of the jungle. It is not directly defined by the natural habitat. Among human beings the rule is not a direct function of existing. In this case, it has evolved to a demonstration of the realization.
In the book “Dogmatic matrixes” we saw how the pagan priests, back in the ancient times, using their spiritual superiority managed to put their similar into a material dependence.
(You can download the book on http://sfera.zonebg.com/knigi.htm)
This is exactly the kind of governance (behavior) that is typical for the humans. As the mind develops, taking away material resources from the others takes place by cheating (mental matrixes), not by force.
In ancient times the Golden Calf was a powerful instrument for a mass fraud. Obsessed by their faith, people humbly bowed in front of the image of the divinity and made as gifts (sacrificed) the most valuable things they had (even their children)…
In those ancient times metals were sacred, whereas their extraction and elaboration were considered magical. Back then the images of the divinities were made of precious metals precisely because gold and silver were considered sacred. Through their beliefs in the ancient divinities (the dogmatic matrixes), it was much easier to keep people obedient, which made them easier to govern and predict. Precisely through their spiritual superiority the king-priests achieved a relatively stable governance over the people and accumulated an abundant material superiority.
With human development the rule got dissolved. At some point it became separated into religious and social one. Naturally, both bodies remained strongly connected and interdependent for a long time and we can still find them coexisting under some form of symbiosis even nowadays.
However, what is the primary reason for this fundamental division of power?
We sustain that the progressive deprivation of resources by the people (materialism) became ever more contrasting to the divine (spiritual) foundations of the governance. The king-priest could not continuously take away from his subjects.
(When we say resources we refer to all /material and non material, primary and secondary/ means of existence and realization of the mind.)
It is not hard to comprehend the contradiction between the spiritual and the material. That is why the increasing material storages began to weaken the spiritual foundations of the governance.
Exactly this caused the primary division of powers. So that the power fraud could continue along with the progressive deprivation of resources from the subjects, it was necessary that they believe that the kind was the earthy (material) represented of the divine, whereas the priest and the religious rituals ensured the spiritual connection with the divine.
This new dual dogmatic matrix turned out to be very effective and long-lasting. Thanks to it, the kings (governors) continued more sustainably to take away resources from the subjects with the help of the maintained spiritual authority of the priests.
In itself the taking away of resources from the subject through power is the most primary and brutal fraud in the history of the humankind. It occurred back in the most ancient times and is based on the insatiable human greed (materialism).
As humankind evolved, the generated material surplus increased more and more. Accordingly, the governors expanded their powers and invented more and more instruments to take away the resources extracted and created by the people.
With the division of labor commerce evolved and gradually emerged the first universal means of trade. These were precious goods (things), which everybody wanted to have. Regardless of whether those were seashells, pearls, gems, or metals, their material value (intrinsic value) was real and indisputable.
The historic development shows that metals gradually became the universal means of trade worldwide. It is not casual that the historical ages are named – stone one, copper, bronze and iron one (according to the human development).
At the beginning were used only large pieces of the valuable metals for the larger payments. As time passed the needs of the market imposed the production (emission) of smaller pieces.
Until the moment in which the nominal value was stamped on the piece, there was no difference between the real and the nominal value of the piece. (Every piece by itself was weighted and valued). Imprinting the nominal, besides standardizing the weight and guaranteeing the origin, transformed the means of trade (the pieces) into a new universal instrument for depriving people from their resources – means of trade.
This is due to the difference between the real and the nominal value of the means of trade themselves, which is always in favor of the emitter.
That is how, by imprinting the nominal value, rulers produced the nominal value and through their power imposed it as means of payment (money) and thus were progressively taking away resources from the people.
(For example, if a ruler imposes a double nominal value on the golden coins /from the actual one/, could buy with them double quantity of gold than what has been invested in them. Later, with this gold could make four times more golden coins….)
That is how monetarism was born. The latter is a direct derivative from the rough archaic materialism (human limitation).
At the dawn of monetarism, the difference between the actual and the nominal value of the money was not very large.
The first money was made from precious metals and thus was confirmed as the universal exchange means. Precisely this money was on the basis of the monetarisation of the human relations (acceptance of monetary matrixes) and lead to the fast development of the market, of the market relations and the culture of money as a global human phenomenon. The coins made of precious metals, thanks to their high real value, circulated much further than the boarders of the emitter.
However, the strong rulers promptly realized that they were able to force on their subjects an even greater difference between the real and the nominal value of the money. Through their power, they imposed on their subjects to accept money with ever lower value and ever higher nominal value.
For this purpose, however, was necessary more and more physical power (military and administrative), which cost governors more and more.
That is how the evolution of the monetary matrix lead to the enlargement of the power matrix too.
In China, back in ancient times, governors realized the possibility, which originated in the strong rule, to emit money with a very low (insignificant) real value, which had a very high nominal value at the same time.
The Chinese emperors issued coins with a high nominal value made of cheap metals (with low real value).
This monetary experiment was successful. The large military corps and the advanced administration of the empire paid for the taking away of resources from the subjects in exchange of money with low real value (only a high nominal one).
Thus, most of the goods (fruits of the human development) were practically taken away to benefit the rule, whereas the subjects were completely monetary exploited.
The emperor forbade the use of precious metals as a means of payment amongst subjects, in all circumstances. The subjects were forced to exchange them for money with a nominal value with an exchange rate fixed by the rulers.
Thus, towards the powerful flowed rivers of gold, silver and all sorts of resources, whereas towards the subjects flowed only money with a very low real value, but with a high nominal one.
This historical moment could be considered the confirmation of the governmental monetarism.
The monetarism is the perfected form of human materialism, which consists of a mass fraud reinforced by the powerful (a monetary matrix) which strips subjects from resources.
The Chinese emperors were obsessed by an unlimited greed. Soon they realized that they could use paper (with a real value much lower) on which to stamp the nominal. Paper money was emitted with a very high nominal value. The metal coins with a lower nominal value continued to be used only due to their long-lasting nature.
There are a few different types of monetarism, but what is common for all is that through power (force) were imposed monetary (exchange) means with low real and high nominal value, through which were taken away the resources from the people.
Monetarism turned out to be a much more refined fraud from the brutal materialism observed in the archaic societies.
The powerful imposed, covered and guaranteed the purchasing ability of the paper money. In reality they were a valid exchange means and due to the inherited culture of the money (the monetarisation of the human interactions), people accepted them as a necessity. At this point, instead of stocking gold and silver people began to accumulate pieces of paper…
In Europe the paper money showed up in a different monetary screenplay. The high inflation and the devaluation of the money with high nominal and low real value, dating back from the end of the Roman Empire, required the return of coins with a higher real value (smaller difference between the nominal and the real value).
That, however, sharply decreased the liquidity of money and lead to a limitation of the trade. Trade in stock was acceptable on the local level, but on the national and international scale was hard to put into practice.
Usurers existed from the ancient times, but only at this moment they invented the fundless movement of money. For this purpose, usurers issued a paper document, in which they guaranteed its golden and/or silver coverage. At the beginning that was true. The convenience and the convertibility of the paper exchange means (the banknotes) became widespread and gained the trust of the merchants and the market.
In fact, this way usurers gave birth to banking (the private monetarism). In order to be able to produce more paper money, bankers attracted more and more golden and silver coins in deposits. In turn of the latter, they issued to the deposers treasure notes.
During the Middle Ages, the religious veto on taking interests was overcome by the nifty perfection of the treasure notes and by the difference between the rates when exchanging gold, silver and paper money.
Once bankers had realized their monetary power, they began to emit also money without coverage in valuable metals. The latter flowed into the market, which caused inflation and devaluation. This lead to a withdrawal from the paper money and a return to the gold and the silver ones.
The growing economies and markets required more and more money (means of payments).This lead to the research of newer resources of gold and silver. The turbulent expansion of the colonialism, without a doubt, is directly connected to the development of the monetarism. From the colonies, the governing states received resources for the development of the farms, as well as resources for the coverage of the monetary turnover.
Rivers of silver and gold literary flowed towards Europe. With the greater part of these metals were made coins which began to circulate. The saturation of the market with valuable metals lead to the devaluation of the gold and the silver (the money). On the other hand, governors and their circles of friends, rapidly dedicated themselves on great expenditure and unheard of luxury. Thus the colonial rivers of gold and silver flowed more and more for the delivery of industrial goods, luxury items, perfumes, spices, etc.
This consumer (market) society, at some point began to create debts. The colonial resources were no longer able to continuously sustain the sinful wasting.
The governors were looking for ways by which to expand their colonies and got involved in numerous wars amongst themselves. On the other hand, the military actions became more and more expensive and also required a lot of money.
In such a critical moment, the great bankers of England suggested to the king to create a national bank, which would gather funds from the society, would emit paper money and would finance the government.
(From historical point of view, what is noticed is a sequence of a domination of the metal /gold and silver/ and the paper money.
Due to the instability of the paper money, was imposed a golden /silver/ standard. That happened through the concentration of the emitting-bank actions in only one /or a few/ institutions. Emitting banknotes was allowed only if they were covered by the respective quantity of valuable metal and was strictly controlled.)
At first, the Bank of England stamped money only within the limits of what was covered by valuable metals.
However, due to the constant need of money, the government forced the bank to print also non covered money.
In Europe, banking has been a private activity since the beginning. Even the creation of the Bank of England was a private enterprise.
This exemplary central bank had the center stage for the domination and the colonial expansion of the British Empire. Numerous monetary instruments and financial tricks were invented, however the most important one was emitting paper money in return of a debt.
I.e. the state could take a loan from the bank, and for security of the debt were used the same treasure notes of the debt.
That is how money was made out of nothing, secured only with a promise by the governors for the future repayment of the loan. This way the state gained a lot of money, but at the same time it became permanently in debt with the creditor.
While the Chinese mode of monetarism is state owned (everything is under the control of the emperor), the English one is a private type of monetarism.
The king and/or the state do not emit paper money. They take it as a loan from the emitting bank in turn of an interest. It emits the money and turns them to the borrower. The latter promises to repay them with the contracted interest. Without a doubt, in this case the central bank is privileged by its monopolistic position, since it is the only one to emit paper money and there is no better debtor than the state…
We all know that debtors are always dependent on their creditors. That is how private monetarists have found a universal instrument through which to subordinate the state and to progressively extract the resources of the society, most of all free of all responsibility.
While under the state monetarism money is only used by the powerful in order to rob the resources of the subjects, under the private monetarism the state itself has been turned into an instrument in the hands of the monetarists, through which they rob the resources both of the state and of the subjects.
The state type of monetarism directly and permanently rips resources off from the subjects.
The private monetarism first obliges financially the state, then subjects the financial institutions, and by means of the interest’s spiral and the inflation, progressively rips off resources from the state and the people.
In these cases the accelerated robbery of resources takes place in times of a crisis. Then many banks bankrupt, while the real securities of the loans became exigible. These banks, on their turn, are in debt with the megabanks (central and/or international ones)…..
Thus, each new crisis in the market societies leads to a sharp concentration of real resources in ever smaller number of monetarists.
Regardless of what type of monetarism governs your state, you are, without a doubt, its monetary slaves.
The real resources, which you produce, are taken away from you in turn of monetary (nominal) ones…
He, who emits and controls the nominal, is the actual master of the market (monetary) societies.

* * *

Download the full book.

This book reveals the secret of Monetarism (Monetary Matrices).
Here you would find the laws of the monetarist fraud and the
substitution of the reality.
It explains how crises are used as mechanisms for sharp deprivation
of real resources from the subjects.
Here for the first time is depicted in its whole the fraud of the Global


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